I apologize, for it has been far too long since I've written! I have either been working on final projects or having bunches of fun. It's been a good two weeks!
To start, on May 1st Kingston University treated its international students to a boat party on the Thames. That's right: free food, expensive drinks, and dancing, all while riding a boat down the river. It was probably one of the best nights of the semester. As usual, Paul (the study abroad coordinator) and Elly (our British Life and Culture teacher) were there to join in the festivities. It was an incredible four hours.
Paul and Elly! |
The next big event was on May 8th, where the international kids once again got together in The King's Tun to get free food and free drinks. (You may recall that this happened at the beginning of the year as well.) This was a bit sad, as I realized how quickly the semester had gone by. However, with tons of free drinks (with Paul and Elly, as usual), delicious free food, and a team-based trivia game, there was no time for sorrow! Me, Amy, Lauren, Madilyn, and Matt (who Paul kindly let in despite the fact that he's not international) formed Team 'Murica Plus One and we actually won the game! Our prizes were postcards, little bookmarks, and candies. Go team!
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Amy, Madilyn, and me! (And Becca in the background) |
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Welcome to the Team 'Murica table. |
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We get silly. |
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Me and Paul! |
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Drinking with Elly. |
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Drinking Jagerbombs with Paul. |
The following Friday, May 10th, Amy's friend from Missouri, Sam, came to visit. Sam is studying abroad in Germany and decided to head over to London briefly. I still had yet to go clubbing, so me, Amy, and Sam decided that a great night out would be to go to Oceana (a club in Kingston). We planned on meeting Matt and his friends at the club, though they would show up much later than us (1AM instead of 11PM). Not that we cared, because that just gave us more time to dance with each other! Before leaving for the club, we had a fun-filled photoshoot while listening to Madonna's Vogue.
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Work it. |
Once we got there, I was amazed at how big Oceana was. Again, I had never been clubbing until that night so I had absolutely no idea what to expect. We spent all night dancing in the Cheese Room, which just plays cheesy/fun music. It was great! When we first arrived, one young man attempted to buy us drinks. Unfortunately he was so drunk that the bartender wouldn't serve him. He disappeared for awhile and I assumed that he went home or got kicked out...until he showed up about three hours later MUCH more intoxicated than he was the first time. Apparently he found drinks somewhere. Well done, mate.
I noticed that before the boys showed up, we got stared at quite a bit. I'll assume it was because we are three wonderfully attractive ladies. I admit, sometimes the staring was mildly unsettling. Gents: if you have something to say to a lady, please just say it and face potential rejection rather than eerily staring at her from a distance for long periods of time. We appreciate it. Also noted: American accents get people noticed. The second any of the three of us started talking, we had people asking us where we were from and telling us all about how much they loved America and how awesome it is.
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Other than the odd stares, it was a good night! We might be heading back to Oceana tomorrow for student night, but that has yet to be confirmed.
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Clearly the most attractive group in the club. |
On Sunday, the 12th, I got together with Sam, Amy, Matt, Cody, Becca, and Lauren and we had ourselves a party. It was American themed, which meant Hamburger Helper, Tennessee Whiskey, Pop Tarts, Nerds, Junior Mints, and other random American foods we were able to get our hands on. (I made fajitas, only because Mexican food isn't popular in Britain and I wanted Matt to try them.) We listened to country music all night and enjoyed ourselves.
That's all the major activity to report! Besides these get-togethers, I've been finishing my final projects or just casually hanging out with people.
I can't believe I only have two more days in England. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in the states again, and graduating will be fun, but I don't want to leave the people I've met here! :( I have no major plans yet (besides the potential Oceana trip and finishing my projects). I would like to get one more pasty before returning to the sadly pasty-less Massachusetts. Other than that, I'll just wait and see where the next two days take me.
The next blog post will be the last on England. I'm not sure if I'll be writing it here or once I am in the states and looking back. One thing is for sure: there will be tears.
I'm so good with Paint. Absolute professional. |
Until next time, America.
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